Window Wonder: Dressing Up Your Home’s Exterior Windows

Window Wonder: Dressing Up Your Home's Exterior Windows

Window Wonder: Dressing Up Your Home’s Exterior Windows

Windows are not just functional elements of a home; they also play a crucial role in enhancing its overall aesthetic appeal. By dressing up your home’s exterior windows, you can transform the look and feel of your entire property. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of creating stunning window treatments that will make your home the envy of the neighborhood.

Materials You Will Need

  • Window frames
  • Measuring tape
  • Drill
  • Screws
  • Window shutters or blinds
  • Paint or stain
  • Paintbrushes
  • Window boxes
  • Flower pots
  • Flowers or plants
  • Decorative window film
  • Window trim
  • Outdoor lighting fixtures
  • Window awnings
  • Window grilles

Step 1: Measure Your Windows

The first step in dressing up your home’s exterior windows is to accurately measure their dimensions. Use a measuring tape to determine the width and height of each window frame. Note down these measurements as they will be crucial when selecting window treatments and other decorative elements.

Step 2: Choose Window Treatments

Window shutters or blinds are excellent options for adding style and functionality to your windows. Consider the architectural style of your home and the overall look you want to achieve. Opt for shutters or blinds that complement the design and color scheme of your house. Measure the windows again to ensure a perfect fit.

Step 3: Install Window Treatments

Using a drill and screws, install the chosen window shutters or blinds according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure they are securely attached to the window frames. This step may require some assistance, so don’t hesitate to ask a friend or family member for help.

Step 4: Paint or Stain

If your window frames are looking dull or worn out, a fresh coat of paint or stain can work wonders. Choose a color that complements the overall color scheme of your home’s exterior. Before painting, make sure to clean the window frames thoroughly and remove any peeling paint or dirt. Apply the paint or stain evenly using a paintbrush, and allow it to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Step 5: Add Window Boxes

Window boxes are a fantastic way to add charm and character to your home’s exterior windows. Measure the width of each window frame and select window boxes that fit perfectly. Fill the boxes with soil and choose flowers or plants that thrive in your climate. Arrange them in a visually pleasing manner and secure the window boxes to the window frames using screws or brackets.

Step 6: Decorative Window Film

If you want to add privacy or a touch of elegance to your windows, decorative window film is an excellent choice. Measure the dimensions of each window pane and cut the film accordingly. Clean the windows thoroughly before applying the film. Peel off the backing and carefully stick the film onto the glass, smoothing out any air bubbles as you go. Trim any excess film using a sharp blade.

Step 7: Install Window Trim

Window trim can give your windows a polished and finished look. Measure the length and width of each window frame and purchase trim that matches your desired style. Cut the trim to the appropriate size and attach it to the window frames using a drill and screws. Make sure the trim is aligned properly and securely fastened.

Step 8: Outdoor Lighting Fixtures

Outdoor lighting fixtures can add a touch of elegance and enhance the overall ambiance of your home’s exterior. Choose fixtures that complement the architectural style of your house and install them near your windows. Ensure that the wiring is done safely and consult a professional if needed.

Step 9: Window Awnings

Window awnings not only provide shade and protection from the elements but also add a stylish element to your home’s exterior. Measure the width of each window and select awnings that fit perfectly. Install them according to the manufacturer’s instructions, making sure they are securely attached to the wall above the windows.

Step 10: Window Grilles

Window grilles can give your windows a classic and timeless look. Measure the dimensions of each window pane and select grilles that match the style of your home. Attach the grilles to the interior or exterior of the windows using screws or adhesive, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Step 11: Final Touches

Now that you have completed all the necessary steps, take a step back and admire your beautifully dressed-up windows. The transformation is truly remarkable! Stand back and appreciate the enhanced curb appeal and the unique character your windows now bring to your home’s exterior.


Dressing up your home’s exterior windows is a rewarding and creative DIY project that can significantly enhance the overall look and feel of your property. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this guide, you can create stunning window treatments that will make your home stand out from the rest. Remember to measure accurately, choose the right materials, and pay attention to detail. With a little time and effort, you can turn your windows into captivating focal points that will leave your neighbors in awe.
